Feeding & Nursing
Baby Feeding
A new parent or an experienced one always have questions regarding feeding their newborn infant. A typical newborn has active rooting and sucking reflexes and can begin feeding straight away. The feeding can be done immediately after birth or at least within four hours after birth. Selecting ways to feed your baby during his first few days of life is imperative. It can be breast or bottle, however you should make a choice that is informed and not pressured.
Benefit to the breastfeed child
Breast milk is superior in quality for feeding infants. All other feeding ways, however much superior they might be, differ significantly from the natural mother’s milk. Breastfeeding is without doubt beneficial as it improves the general health and development while there is a concomitant reduction in both acute and chronic diseases.
Studies proof that work involving global population especially, in people with advanced lifestyle, breastfeeding reduces the enteritis, reduced incidence of infection in the ear problems, respiratory tract, urinary tract and the necrotic infection in the intestines.
Benefit to the mother
Breastfeeding not only helps the child against various diseases, nevertheless there is a lot of benefit to the mother as well. It helps in improving the oxytocin level in the mother which helps in increasing let down of milk from the mammary gland as well as improved uterine involution. In other words, the breastfeeding acts as a natural birth control device and definitely benefits the mother.
Selecting ways to feed your baby during his first few days of life is imperative. It can be breast or bottle, however you should make a choice that is informed and not pressured.
Bottle Feeding
Baby bottles are certainly one of the most important items you may have to purchase for your child after your delivery. Obviously breastfeeding is suggested as a necessity for every baby but at some point of time you will have to make do with feeding via a bottle. It also gives your husband or other members in your family a chance to bond with the baby in feeding him with the help of a bottle.
On the market these bottles come in different sizes and shapes depending upon choice as every infant is different and has a unique quality. There are various styles of bottles depending upon its nipples and a mother can choose to buy one with a different or small flow in the initial stages of delivery. Also the option to desire a plastic baby bottle instead of a glass one can prove unsafe and risky for the infant.Therefore, it is necessary to buy to feed your baby in the early stages of his/her birth.
Baby bottles are absolutely essential for every mother and selecting it carefully is a painstaking task as well. Yet mother’s milk is considered to be one of the best forms of feeding for a baby, later on the mother has to feed the baby with the help of a bottle. People obviously prefer to take the best possible care and give the most adequate nutrition to the child and thus it is important to have all the possible supplements and baby accessories to take care of the child as well. Become a parent for the first time especially can give you a joyful, pleasing, exciting as well as a traumatic emotion.
The mixed emotions will always exist considering you will be a part of a baby world soon. Hence it is ideal to develop as much preparation and pre planning before welcoming the new baby in the home and organizing the products and accessories you would need to take good care of the infant. It is quite sensible to create a worthwhile list for the same time or take proper advice from all probable sources including your own mother or nutritionists as well as doctors whom you visit. While purchasing baby supplements and accessories like baby sterilizers, warmers, one has to see to that the bottles are properly sterilized as well to prevent the baby from getting infected in the future with any disease.
Our website will help you to buy all the possible baby products. Nowadays, there are many stores today across different parts of the city to help a mother purchase everything related to baby care right from diapers to baby bottles to food products to other clothing but buying products that too from the comforts of the home is just amazing. It has helped save time and also allowed the mother to choose from several possible options for buying the best product for her child and in giving proper care and nutrition to the child in the initial stages of growth to let him develop to the fullest.
There is no doubt that a mother’s milk is the best food for your baby. World Health Organization recommends that breastfeeding your baby exclusively is ideal for the first four to six months of life. Nevertheless, there are mothers who choose bottle feeding because of personal or medical grounds. The most perfect feeding combination is to breastfeed for the first six months, after that breastfeed along with solid foods until the 12th month age of your child. Continue this for as long as mother and baby want. Powdered feeding also offers advantages for newborn infants. Its preparation is primarily available to provide babies a solid mixture of proteins, sugars, fats and vitamins. Therefore, it provides nutrition your baby needs to grow into a healthy child.
Additionally, never give your baby water, juice or other baby supplements. These kinds of liquids are unnecessary and can disturb your baby’s appetite for breast or powdered milk, which may lead to undernourishment. Most newborns feed eight to twelve times a day with two to three hour gap. For babies two to three months of age or may be contented with six to eight feedings daily. But if using formula feeding, you may need to do the feeding a little less because formula milk digests more slowly than breast milk.